Tuesday, October 5, 2010

12.4 Less Of Me

This week brought me down .8 for a grand total of 12.4 pounds lost. I now weigh 258 even, which still sounds like an awful lot, but at least I am headed in the downward direction! I was hoping the scale would be kinder to me since I was very good over Yom Tov and did all that exercise.... I hope it decides to show up next week!

Part of what keeps me so motivated is the goal. I see myself as a thin and healthy looking person in my mind. I want it so bad I can taste it! So to nudge me along I have made myself a reward chart. The problem is there are so many 5 pound intervals between 15 and 100 that I am running out of ideas. So I did some research, but none of the "bucket lists" out there seemed to be something appropriate for me. So, I am putting it out there... any reward ideas??? Something you would do to reward yourself for accomplishing something you never thought you could? I will be anxiously waiting for any responses...   

Goal for Week #8: Drink more water. Its one of the basics of weight loss, but I just never seem to get around to it. Gotta focus on this one!


  1. One idea that I remember was to go and buy an item of clothing that you really want, in a few sizes smaller than you are now.

    Put it on layaway. Every time you lose weight, you go and visit your item and try it on, and put some money towards it.

    By the time you fit into it, you will have paid enough money to take it home and to love it.

    Not sure what other kinds of rewards you need. You can put $$ aside for every pound lost so that at a certain point you will have some $$ to spend on yourself.

  2. Would a fancy mani-pedi or massage work for you? Or new shoes or glasses or something for the house that you want, but could never justify. I typically set up interval rewards for my weightloss. (usually the increase in excitement and value to keep me going) The last time I had to lose a chunk of weight after a baby my "prize" was a new shaitel. You are doing great. I'm impressed you lost during Yom Tov. So many sit down meals its challenging to stay on plan. Good for you!

  3. i bought a cool water bottle and literally never let it leave my side and when i was thirsty id actually drink water instead of getting sidetracked or being too lazy and now i drink water like a camel.
