Tuesday, November 30, 2010

22.6 Less of Me!

Less than 3 more pounds till I get to my birthday goal! I have to say I am very proud of my self control these days. With all those jelly donuts staring at me all week long I have not caved in.... Yet!

I have my one Chanukah donut planned out and I will enjoy every bite of it! I am also going to have 3 latkes. I think I will be ok if i spread them out. Oh, and I am also going to have one package of white chocolate coins!! I want to still loose some weight so I will be going on lots of walks (hopefully my replacement stroller part will come in the mail!) 

The spacing out of these posts are getting a tad disorganized, but hopefully everything will start going back to normal. This post was supposed to be written on Monday, so its a bit late but not to bad. 

Happy Chanukah Everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010

20.6 Less Of Me!

I know this post is late in coming but It's been a crazy week and a half! I was not able to go to the weight watcher meeting on Thursday, so I just weighed myself at home. I lost what I gained last week plus some which puts me back on track for my birthday goal!

I really needed to get back on track and I couldn't go walking most nights last week since my toe got badly infected, so I just tried really hard to eat well. It really paid off cause I am right where I was trying to get. 

This week I need to get serious about my walking and tracking!! Last night I got a treat for walking! There were fireworks right on top of us! They were for the grove holiday tree lighting thing but they where shooting them from the park where I walk. They were really really cool! Loud too!

Remember: If you bite it... Write it! (good tip for loosing those tricky 5 pounds that wont budge!

Friday, November 12, 2010

17 Less Of Me

Well folks, the inevitable happened. I gained this week. Not too thrilled about it, but at least you all know that I am human! It happened due to a combination of things the top two being not tracking properly and eating Chinese food on Tuesday night. (a big no-no to have that within a few days of weighing in since there is a lot of sodium and makes me bloated and therefore heavier). I did enjoy that chicken and broccoli though.

So to get back on track to my goal of losing 25 pounds for my 25th birthday, I need to exercise like mad this week and drink lots and lots of water! Oh and Track better too! Tracking really is very important since you can see what you are doing right as well as what you are doing wrong!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Thought

Losing a significant amount of weight is daunting and it makes starting all the more difficult. I believe the key to success is in being completely obsessed about the ultimate goal while realizing that to get there you have to start somewhere. That somewhere is right here, right now in this moment. All it takes if a seconds worth of strong desire and to turn that into a token action. Do Something small and do it now!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh How the Wind Blows

It has finally cooled down enough for me to start walking in the daytime. Moshe'le and I have been strolling around the city. Yesterday we walked up to the Hotel Roosevelt (see yellow video camera below) and did a little site seeing up on Hollywood and today we walked to the park near the grove (see train landmark. we call it the train park cause there is a train he can drive there!)
That's a total of 3.9 miles!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

19.4 Less of Me

I lost 2 more pounds!!! Woohoo!!! So I think it's time for some picture comparison!

I look so much better now!! almost 20 pounds makes such a difference! A new shaitel also helps!! Anyways I have never had so much fun losing weight before! I am finding all sorts of new treats and trying all these new recipes. It's become my hobby and my job and I am loving the success! 

Goal for this week: Do that ab workout that I didn't get a chance to do this week!! No reward for me :-(