Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Walking is Awesome!

Last night was amazing! I thought I would be so out of shape but I guess I was in better shape then I thought! I was able to walk the path around Pan Pacific Park twice before my legs felt like jello. A few more days and I will be back to my regular routine.

Besides for the walking part it was so nice to just have mommy time. I will defiantly not be taking Meyer with me when I walk. I had a chance to just focus on me which was great! Thank you Z for being a great Tatty and thank you Mimi for being a great walking partner!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Let the walking begin!

So tonight I start walking again. Besides for the exercise it will be nice to get out after cranky hour! I am very excited about it! I have been waiting for this since I stopped walking which was when I was 7 months pregnant and the zoo got to be too much for me. I have an hour allotted to it, but I will probably not last more than 20 min. At least the first few nights.... but then watch out cause here I come!

Friday, September 16, 2011

6.4 Less Of Me

That's right folks, you read correctly! I lost 5 pounds this week! I'm excited!!! I am writing things down, and making good food choice, and nursing probably helps. I mean its pure genius! Why didn't someone think about this before?They could make a fortune off of this idea and even call it something snappy like Weight Watchers, or Eat Right!

For a minute there on the scale I thought it was broken. I even got off and did it again. It was pretty funny! But lo and behold I am finally below the 250 mark! FINALLY!!

So this week I'm gonna start walking and keep doing what I'm doing! That's the plan!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

1.4 Less of Me

Well I lost weight, but it could also still be just fluid retention and all that fun stuff, so I'm not jumping for joy yet. I am happy that the number is going down that's for sure! Even though I'm not really dieting yet, writing things down really helps! I just don't want to write 10 chocolate cookies down. Even though I'm the only one who looks at it, I just don't want to see it on paper! Even my subconscious is rooting for me!!

I was going to continue subtracting from my original weight of 270 but I was getting all confused and trying to figure out how much I gained and lost over my pregnancy didn't help, so I am going to start from scratch with my "Less of mes".

Sunday just happens to be a really bad day for weighing in cause Shabbos can sometimes be... you know Shabbos, so I'm going to weigh in on Thursday. Seems like a safe day to weigh in!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm Back!

So here I am, 9 months and 1 baby later, ready to get back on the weight loss wagon. I finally had the courage to weigh myself today for the first time after giving birth. To my surprise and delight I actually weight 1 pound less then I did before I got pregnant! I'm not exactly sure how but I am sure as heck not complaining about it!

I'm not going to be on any plan for right now since it is too soon to be counting calories or points. What I am going to do is write down everything I eat and weigh myself weekly. I'm also gonna start walking again but not for another week or two.

So that's the grand plan for now.... wish me luck!