Sunday, September 11, 2011

1.4 Less of Me

Well I lost weight, but it could also still be just fluid retention and all that fun stuff, so I'm not jumping for joy yet. I am happy that the number is going down that's for sure! Even though I'm not really dieting yet, writing things down really helps! I just don't want to write 10 chocolate cookies down. Even though I'm the only one who looks at it, I just don't want to see it on paper! Even my subconscious is rooting for me!!

I was going to continue subtracting from my original weight of 270 but I was getting all confused and trying to figure out how much I gained and lost over my pregnancy didn't help, so I am going to start from scratch with my "Less of mes".

Sunday just happens to be a really bad day for weighing in cause Shabbos can sometimes be... you know Shabbos, so I'm going to weigh in on Thursday. Seems like a safe day to weigh in!


  1. pounds off are still pounds off!! good for you im so proud!!! :)

  2. glad to see you're back here!! proud of you for starting so soon, im still fighting with my weight! although, to be honest, what im fighting with now is what i didnt deal with after benny. looking forward to losing weight along with you!!! :)

  3. Pulling your hair out will also contribute to weight loss ('s been a very long day).
