Thursday, December 9, 2010

23 Less Of Me!

Here I am plodding along..... in the right direction at least! I cant say Chanukah really helped but I certainly enjoyed it and I am sad it's over.

Trying to loose weight should be a full time job! Its really hard to teach yourself good habits, unlearn bad ones, and still do all the other thing you have to do, like cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, ect ect ect! It would be nice if I could get paid for it too!! Well a girl can dream right! I think that if I treat loosing weight as a full time job, I would be more serious about it. Well more serious about it... on a regular basis. 

I mean I have one kid b'h and he is a handful and I find it hard to focus on myself for any amount of time longer than 5 min, so how can a person with lots of kids k'h even begin this really long and hard process!? So kol hakovod to all you moms out there working your tushies off... literally! 

Have a delightful week! I know I will cause it's my birthday this weekend!! Yay!! (I know I didn't make it to 25 pounds but I am giving myself till my english birthday on the 16th)


  1. Great work!! You're doing so well!!!

  2. For every pound lost in body,
    One is gained in spirit,

    Not for being more healthy,
    Nor for being more beautiful,

    A soul becomes stronger with less
    Blocking her from her Maker.

    Each stride of genuine self-refinement
    Brings us all a little closer...

    MAZAL TOV on marking the "QUARTER"!!!

