I gained .2 but I was expecting it since I had a really lousy week with food. I didn't plan and that really made things hard. I wasn't able to make good choices since I didn't have the right supplies in my kitchen to make the good choices with. I didn't do to badly but I know there were things I should not have eaten.
In my dream world there will come a day when I have a normal relationship with food. The reality is that I will always have a hard time with my "red light" foods. You know the ones I mean. The ones that no matter how strong your will power you can't even have one cause you wont be able to stop. Everyone has the one that triggers them. For me it's warm fresh white rice, sandwich cookies, and any chewy candy. I'm sure there are many more! So I have to really learn to control my environment and either not have those things in my house, have Z hide them, or only make enough for one meal. I have been doing pretty well in that area. The exception is, like this week, when I do not plan.
This week I have to go back to writing up my menu before I go shopping at the beginning of the week so I have everything I need to be successful. If you don't have it you can't eat it!