Thursday, April 26, 2012

24.2 Less of Me!!

Weight loss is a never ending soap opera! The drama involved is engrossing, no wonder so many people are obsessed with it!! If it's not Pesach it has to be something else. I'm still not at my 10% goal. I have to lose .8 to get there. This is the week that I will achieve it! If anyone want to lose it with me, I am starting to walk again at 8:15am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. You can meet me in front of my house!

This week I am going to work on positive self talk. I am going to put a post it on my mirror saying "Go Yehudis Go! You can do this!" in big letters! That way I start the day in a positive way. It is always easier to make good choices if you feel empowered! Like out great Rabbis have said "Simcha Poretz Geder!"

Monday, March 26, 2012

Falling of the wagon

I fell of the wagon a few weeks ago... It was a week before Purim to be precise... And of course, I went back up a little less than 4 pounds. First I missed a week then it spiraled down from there. I wasn't staying for the meetings and I stopped tracking. I got a bit cocky about my success. I thought "oh I got the hang of this now!" Yah, well I was wrong and I faced the consequences of going back to my old ways. There is an old weight watcher saying: If you do what you always did you will get what you always got. Obvious but hard to remember when your head is full of hot air like mine got to be. Now a much humbler me will be heading to the scale on Tuesday after a very well behaved week (so far).
The good news is that pesach is coming and that will give me a jump start into loosing mode. I eat really healthy stuff without any processes sugars so I loose about 5-7 pounds every year. Plus I am looking forward to getting as much of a workout as I can from cleaning my house :-)
My goal is to meet my 10% by next Rosh Chosesh. That's about 7 more pounds....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

19.8 Less of Me

I get back from NY and I weigh in to find out that I lost 2.2 pounds while on vacation!! I even ate ice cream and pizza and a really yum but a bit spicy chicken avocado sandwich. I did track well, so all i can say is that tracking works.

I'm not sure why I was so scared of it. Maybe admitting to myself the amount I was eating and what I was eating was hard. Admitting is always hard and I can't lie to myself or pretend it didn't happen because the scale will tell me that it did. For the past 2 week I have been tracking and not just here and there but really doing it. and I lost weight both of those weeks. (5.2 the week before this)

By next week I'm going to hit the 20 pound mark a"yh and I only have another 5 pounds to go before I hit my 10% mark!!

This week I am going to start working on activity. I am going to go to bed early tonight, and Monday night so i can get up at 6 to go walking for an hour. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

16.2 Less of Me

This week I finally saw some success on the scale after two weeks of gaining. I went up .2 then .6 but now I'm down 3.2 to make up for all that! 

I really have to stay on track and stay motivated without getting bored, so what can I do to change things up? I would really appreciate your ideas!!

On a happy note I lost another 5 so I get to pick a present for myself. I think I'm going to go for a nice recipe box...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Baby Gizmo Giveaway!

Here is another great giveaway that I have to blog about cause it would be nice to win it!
contest link

Friday, January 20, 2012

13.6 Less of Me

I gained .2 but I was expecting it since I had a really lousy week with food. I didn't plan and that really made things hard. I wasn't able to make good choices since I didn't have the right supplies in my kitchen to make the good choices with. I didn't do to badly but I know there were things I should not have eaten. 

In my dream world there will come a day when I have a normal relationship with food. The reality is that I will always have a hard time with my "red light" foods. You know the ones I mean. The ones that no matter how strong your will power you can't even have one cause you wont be able to stop. Everyone has the one that triggers them. For me it's warm fresh white rice, sandwich cookies, and any chewy candy. I'm sure there are many more! So I have to really learn to  control my environment and either not have those things in my house, have Z hide them, or only make enough for one meal. I have been doing pretty well in that area. The exception is, like this week, when I do not plan.

This week I have to go back to writing up my menu before I go shopping at the beginning of the week so I have everything I need to be successful. If you don't have it you can't eat it!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

13.8 Less of Me!

It was a rough week! I was really sick for about half of it and didn't eat anything and the other half I was trying to eat as nutritiously as possible to avoid Meyer going hungry. I lost 1.6 and I'm feeling so much better so I guess the week wasn't all bad. 

The best part of my weight loss this week is that I have lost 5% of my starting weight. That's really the first goal to get to! Loosing 10% of my starting weight is next! I have set little 5 pound increment prizes for myself to stay motivated. If you want to know how to calculate that here is an example:

Lets say your starting weight is 180 then knock off the last digit to get 10% so that would be 18lbs. 5% is half that so 18÷2=9. 9 lbs is 5% of your starting weight. 

The best way to be overwhelmed and give up is to see a huge number and not know how to get there. Best way to stay focused and stay motivated..... Baby steps!
Good luck to you all! This week I'm going to work on my planning.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reward Time!

I have a growing list of items on my fridge that I can pick from for every 10 pounds I loose. So, since I hit the 10 pound mark I decided to get myself something fun. I got a set of kitchen herb seeds! I am so excited because I recently discovered (last summer) that I find gardening fascinating! 

Even though it's probably not such a good idea to get something food related, I thing a herb garden is safe enough. It's not like I'm taking myself out to ice cream! drool drool....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby Gizmo Giveaway!

I gotta put this here even though it's not so relevant to my weight loss it is extremely relevant to my life!

Bugaboo donkey giveaway

12.2 Less of Me

I did it! I lost 7 pounds this week and I feel so great! I'm am super psyched to be successful this week too! 

For those of you who want to know what I'm doing here is the food list I'm eating from: Power Food List. It takes a commitment since you have to do a lot of planning and preparing but its so worth it... and you can get really creative with what you make and eat!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 5 and 6 of Simply Filling.

The last two days I have come to the conclusion that there are certain things that can not be in my pantry or fridge. Those unmentionables (I won't even type them cause I will start to drool...) can make me nuts. My will of steel melts before that kryptonite. So the best thing for me to do in those situations is to throw it out or send it away with other people or I will not be able to stand the temptation. The funny thing is that even when my brain knows it's gone, my taste buds want me to tear the house apart looking for some! 
Days 5 and 6 went well. I had a slice of pizza yesterday, but that was ok since it was only 1 slice and not 3 slices. Today was fantastic and I feel really full. It used to take 3-4 oranges to fill me up, and now after one I am stuffed! 

Tomorrow I weigh in so I really hope my work has paid off! It's been a week of learning and knowing I can motivate myself so those non-scale victories make it worth it!